

Una rete proattiva e multidisciplinare che mira a sostenere l'attuazione di principi e strategie di resilienza, sostenibilità e adattamento nelle politiche e nelle azioni locali e regionali.


Colucci A. (2023)

Resilience Practices Contribution Enabling European Landscape Policy Innovation and Implementation

In: Journals Land 2023 Volume 12 Issue 3 10.3390/land12030637

Colucci A. Pesaro G. (2018)

Rethinking Resilience Practices: lessons learnt from the Italian Resilience Practices Observatory and development paths

In: Congress Proceding of 58th ERSA Congress “Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive and liveable Regions” 28- 31 August 2018, Cork, Ireland 

Dezio C., Colucci A., Magoni M., Pesaro G., Redaelli R. (2016)

Observatory Of Resilience Practices: Strategies And Perspectives

In Proceedings of the 1st AMSR Congress and 23rd APDR Congress. Sustainability of Territories in the Context of Global Changes, ISBN 978-989-8780-04-1

Colucci A. (2016)

Food and urban Resilience: Metropolitan area of Milano / Cibo e resilienza urbana: il caso milanese

on-line review Menabò di Etica ed Economia (fondato da Luciano Barca), Menabò Etica ed Economia (Notes of Ethics and Economy), N. 37/2016

Colucci A., Cottino P. (2015)

Resilience of territories and communities: approaches, strategies, issues and practices / Resilienza tra Territorio e comunità. Approcci, strategie, temi e casi

Book of book series of Observatory of Fondazione CARIPLO, book number 21, year 2015, Fondazione CARIPLO, doi:10.4460/2015quaderno21