
Creative Community Diversity: Universal Design, Creativity and Culture for Quality and Inclusive Urban Places and Environments

We announce the third “Creative Diversity” workshop dedicated to the creative diversity of communities: universal design, creativity and culture to design quality and inclusive urban places and environments.

The event is organised by Anna Schellino, Katia Fabbricatti and Andrea Riva, in collaboration with FAND Lecco and the Lecco Territorial Pole of the Milan Polytechnic.

The workshop will be held in hybrid mode on Thursday 3 February 2022 from 2pm to 6pm: in person at the Lecco Territorial Pole of the Milan Polytechnic, classroom A1.1 (via G. Previati, 1/c, 23900 Lecco) and online via Zoom.

The contents and training objectives of the workshop deal with:

  • Universal Design and inclusion for functional and emotional design
  • cultural and creative production as engines of innovation, empowerment and community engagement
  • cultural heritage as a common good that opens up to the community
  • culture and creativity as strategic resources for resilience and creative diversity