A proactive and multidisciplinary network
aiming to support the implementation of resilience, sustainability and adaptation principles and strategies in local and regional policies and actions.
From Food to the city. IMM design workshop for a new Eco-district in Porto di Mare area in Milan
International workshop by Politecnico di Milano – School of Architectural Engineering, Wageningen UR, IMMlab, REsilienceLAB, Campus Lecco of Politecnico di Milano, 2-6 May 2017.
Urban transition, a new Eco-distric in Porto di Mare area in Milano
International workshop organized by Politecnico di Milano – School of Architectural Engineering, Cincinnati University, IMMlab, REsilienceLAB, Lecco Campus Lecco of Politecnico di Milano, 2-6 May 2016.
Organization of the International Workshop "Learning from Farini"i
International workshop organized by Politecnico di Milano – School of Architectural Engineering, REsilienceLAB, IMMlab, Municipality of Farini, 24-28 November 2014.
Environmental performance and social inclusion: a project for the Rocinha Favela in Rio de Janeiro, based on the IMM methodology, and winning research project of the 2015-2016 Polisocial Award programme. REsilienceLAB was responsible for two crucial issues: food and the thematic assets of Governance. The project is coordinated by the ABC Department of the Politecnico di Milano.