
ResilienceLAB in Action / Training

A proactive and multidisciplinary network aiming to support the implementation of resilience, sustainability and adaptation principles and strategies in local and regional policies and actions.

Participation in the training course Lampedusa Resiliente


Workshop for socio-environmental animators organized by the Terra! Onlus and the “Esther Ada” Legambiente Circle of Lampedusa. ResilienceLAB contributed with a speech on Resilience and Community.

Pelagie Islands Marine Protected Area – Lampedusa 13-18 May 2019

The training course collected applications from participants to offer a socio-environmental operator a six-month internship on the island, aimed at developing the activities of the Lampedusa Resiliente project.

P'Orto di Lampedusa

Participation and contribution to the course 'Agroecology and sustainable local food models'


Training day organized by Fondazione Cariplo for the Organizations admitted to phase 2 of the Call for Proposals “Coltivare Valore” – Palazzo delle Stelline Conference Centre, Milan – 5 July 2018


Resilience between Territory and Community. Approaches, strategies, themes and cases


Resilience between Territory and Community. Approaches, strategies, themes and cases  [Booklet number 21 year 2015] – Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Fondazione Cariplo

The Booklet reports the outcomes of the capacity building meetings for non-profit actors organized for Fondazione Cariplo in 2014. Edited by Angela Colucci and Paolo Cottino


Meetings on urban and territorial resilience - Fondazione Cariplo


Four training meetings on resilience in the framework of the Capacity Building call dedicated to non-profit actors, organized for Fondazione Cariplo. The results were published by Fondazione Cariplo and edited by ResilienceLAB in the Fondazione Cariplo Observatory series.

  • Urban resilience approaches and tools 01.04.2014
  • Themes and practices of urban and territorial resilience: public spaces, services and common goods 08.04.2014
  • Social resilience themes and practices: community reactivation for the regeneration of fragile territories 14.04.2014
  • Urban and territorial resilience themes and practices: cliate and ecosystem change 07.05.2014