
publishing products

A network of people working on sustainability, adaptation, urban and territorial resilience with different aspects and approaches.

Publishing Products

A. Colucci (Editor in Chief), Y. Shaker, M. A. Busnelli, D. Esposito, P. Lauriola, L. S. Massucchielli, A. Miani, L. Pagliano, M. Pancotti, G. Pesaro, P. Pelizzaro, M. C. Treu, M. Turrini, D. Vito (Editors). (2023)


Pavia, IT: REsilienceLab editor. ISBN: 978-88-945940-0-3 | ISBN-A: 10.978.88945940/03

The book explores and discusses the Urban Resilience and Planetary Health concepts to activate synergic dialogues among disciplinary research fields and action domains towards urban vision challenges rooted in resilience and adaptive experiences promoted by academia, experts, the third sector, and communities. Rooted in the outcomes from the Urban Resilience and One Health” international conference, the book editorial process enlarged his perspectives to transfer innovations and advancements in urban systems’ transformation processes, fostering a radical shift in the decision-making phase, design solutions and tools, and implementation processes. This collective manuscript, enriched by multidisciplinary contributions from academic and civil organization perspectives from all the continents, integrates research advancements and experiences discussing and contributing to envision a post-pandemic future for our cities.

** PDF file updated in November 2023: errata corrige p.54