
Creative diversity: launch of the initiative including a series of thematic seminars

Four appointments with mixed activities aimed at training, sharing and reflection open to all and aimed at involving in particular actors from the Third Sector, Local Authorities and professionals, with the idea of transferring models and approaches on the one hand and proposing experimental projects and applications on the other.

The workshops will be dedicated to ecosystem diversity #eco, functional #fun, social #soc and organisational #org with the following themes: collaborative green infrastructure, innovation of urban and territorial models, universal design and governance and tools for collaborative processes.

The seminars are planned in hybrid form, online and in-presence, according to the following schedule:

  • 12 November 2021, in presence at the Milan City Hall 4 premises and online
  • 13 January 2022, online
  • 3 February 2022, in presence at the Lecco Territorial Pole of the Politecnico di Milano
  • 23 February 2022, tbd

Full details on agendas and links for participation will be provided in dedicated news items published later.